road to nowhere

wondering what’s on the other side
curiosity led me through, past
answers without questions
reasoning devoid of logic
justifications, but no conclusions
gods, whom none pray to
a heaven without angels
rivers of wine, all night we dine
everyone looked familiar, though
no one knew the other, and
the road eventually led to nowhere

so what was on the other side? perhaps
i was always on the other side, perhaps
i should have been more content, less curious
have i lost it all?
it’s alright


[Inspiration: Door Image]

Talking Heads Road To Nowhere 


Grateful that I am writing more consistently (like before),
thanks to inspiration from the various prompts
and of course my regular meditation practice ❣️
makes it all a little more effortless


The situation in Palestine is horrific and beyond any justification. Praying for an immediate ceasefire, justice, freedom and peace for the land and people of Palestine ❤️🖤🤍💚

11 thoughts on “road to nowhere

  1. Dear Sonya,

    Thank you for this beautiful creation. You have somehow enticed us to sit quietly, considering what we sense of the unity of existence (e.g., Ibn ‘Arabi’s waḥdat al-wujūd).
    Your writings frequently take us to places.

    All good wishes,


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