find the emptiness

try as you may
but you will never find
the emptiness in space

just as silence
is filled with an unheard sound

and time is either
moments of reminisence, or
reflections of tomorrow
where is the now, the nothingness?

even the retention of breath, brimmed
with anticipation
of the next inhalation

one thought
threaded to another
and then another

the entire creation
no space for emptiness?

yet you managed to lure me
your empty promises

Maana Ke Hum Yaar Nahin Song with Lyrics | Pareenti


Kumbhaka is a yogic practice of retention of breath between inhalation – exhalation – inhalation. The state of kumbhaka helps with the stillness of mind and reduces thoughts but I guess that comes with a lot of practice. I find I’m always thinking about my next breath!

7 thoughts on “find the emptiness

  1. As usual, I enjoyed this post. I was particularly taken with the lines “just as silence is filled with an unknown sound. I would love to put my spin on that sometime in a future post if you would permit me.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dear Sonya,

    I very much like your poetic explorations of emptiness, the Real, etc.

    So very nice.

    All good wishes,



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