
Here is a thoughtful interaction between myself and @DeDarkPassenger on Twitter. It is all about seeking, and I for one learnt a lot from it. He who seeks, finds... He who seeks Shall be found Found by whom? Himself.... ? Either it is too deep or it is quite complicated. (I think the answers lie within ourselves) … Continue reading seek…

A Conversation with a Poet

I had shared my poem Unnoticed on Twitter. Only a poet could respond with such precise but eloquent thoughts that left me wordless. Here is a conversation between @SonyaKassam and @IssaShivji light is light as always bright darkness she eludes illusion she deludes passion she lures higher she soars envy she abhors love she adores light is feeble, … Continue reading A Conversation with a Poet

The Worth of a Conversation

A fascinating conversation on Twitter between myself and @coldtusker (CT). Such interactions enhance the meaning and perspective of my words, so thanks for your questions CT! Let us then face each other You enhance me For what is the worth of a star Without her planets and moons? Plenty, no? what is the worth of a hero without … Continue reading The Worth of a Conversation

tomorrow may never come

tomorrow may never come because this night seems not to end subh hoti hai, raat khatm nahin hoti  The morning arrives but the night continues the night did end but another night began tomorrow was not to be found neither was forever nor, you Tum aaye ho na shab e intezar guzri hai talaash mein … Continue reading tomorrow may never come

of knowns and unknowns

Many of my poems have been created on or inspired by Twitter. Sometimes I receive brilliant replies or questions, and here is one such interaction between @mzungundege and myself. Very thought-provoking, don't you think? Evidence of the unknown Is greater than that of the known If only you would stop your search In the temple … Continue reading of knowns and unknowns

Here I Am

Where Are You? Night after night I watch the moon set Stars going to rest My eyes are burning My ears are yearning To hear your footsteps Trying to locate them In the heartbeats within Where are you? *** Here I Am I am the moon that you wistfully watch I am the stars that you … Continue reading Here I Am

An Effortless Poem

aren’t we all simply~ sleeping for dreaming~ for waking for living~ for moment for lifetimes~ forever dying? We all certainly are forever dying Many die well before death Few do not die even in death We don’t always dream when we are sleeping Just as we do not always live when we are awake…. “A … Continue reading An Effortless Poem


years of tears moments of resentment cannot invade a space long disregarded by time... not when you have moved on years of fear moments of despair space within breaks the rhythm  but the time flows and it flows to another victim who is ignorant of time's laws precise though subtle conqueress of memories womb of hope … Continue reading time

an interaction about expectations and existence

This is another interaction on I had on Twitter with NatureSpeak Photos and he has kindly given me permission to make a post of it. I thought it was very interesting and wanted to share it here. Hope you enjoy, it starts off with my short poem Fragile Expectations: though they may be fragile expectations undeniably strengthen … Continue reading an interaction about expectations and existence

An interaction about thoughts and lies

The other evening, I had a lovely poetic interaction on Twitter with Vlad. It was worth saving so here goes, beginning with my poem Seeds of Wisdom. seeds of wisdom were planted by elders but we divided the land each clan neglected to water the seeds now we mourn weeds of disunity Your mind is … Continue reading An interaction about thoughts and lies