half believer

flute and music notes

accept my half belief, or not

A Letter from God

Dear Traveler, Do you wonder where you are headed, where you will end up? I sense you are afraid that you don’t know your purpose and worse, that you feel you may not even have any. Why your destination does not seem obvious when those around you seem to have it all figured out? Or … Continue reading A Letter from God

the thought of you

i caused the thought of you and now you want to leave? i refuse to release you with no introduction you descended upon the doorstep of my imagination without an invitation you merged yourself into my memories you now believe you are real? if i wished it so, i could relinquish you in an instant... but … Continue reading the thought of you

of knowns and unknowns

Many of my poems have been created on or inspired by Twitter. Sometimes I receive brilliant replies or questions, and here is one such interaction between @mzungundege and myself. Very thought-provoking, don't you think? Evidence of the unknown Is greater than that of the known If only you would stop your search In the temple … Continue reading of knowns and unknowns

ink painting

it was the ink, painting itself...

melting point of music

music is the melting point at which you cannot distinguish religions, faiths, beliefs or non-belief Equilibrium! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvpMNmDH9dM The first 2 1/2 minutes of this video will show you what I have said in verse Raag Ahir Bhairav is a devotional raag My music teacher shared this video with us to show how seamlessly we can flow between different sounds of … Continue reading melting point of music

the compass of God

the compass of God always points inwards unwavering like the north star an infinite intimate cosmos 13th Rajab ~ the birth date of Imam Ali

Concepts of Shiva

The word Shiva means that "which is not", nothing or darkness. Darkness is not related to a negative idea or even confined to the mere absence of light but it is in fact the very basis of existence. The only thing that always is, is darkness. It seems that over time I have managed to randomly write … Continue reading Concepts of Shiva

echoes and reflections

ask yourselves this... from where do negative echoes reflect off? therein lies your problem therein too lies your solution stop chasing the echo stop admiring the reflection when prayers become echoes from reflections of the idols when words from scriptures reveal less than they conceal then i believe in me  

lie after lie

lie after lie we believe read between the lies question their answers your lies we believed ... for a while