find the emptiness

lady with third eye practising parnayama

the allure of emptiness

breath is born

an inspiration from meditation, the breath and music

savour each breath

the one about true wealth

almost forgotten

The first rain and a cat's longing

broken breaths

my breath and i

to be in that space long disregarded by time untouched by memory spiralling in unimagination even god should not dare my breath and i or even not i *** I have completed over a year of my daily breathing/meditation practise. It has surprised me...pleasantly :) never imagined I could be disciplined enough. I gifted my … Continue reading my breath and i


Our poetry group assignment was to create two poems with instructions, one on How to and the other one should be the reverse How Not To... Here, I am sharing my instructions How Not to Meditate UnMeditate   open eyes, turn your head side to side blink! bewildered by fuzzy logic slouch, NTV, KTN, KBC … Continue reading UnMeditate


every breath we take quickens the way to our end damned if you do damned if you don’t

Here I Am

Where Are You? Night after night I watch the moon set Stars going to rest My eyes are burning My ears are yearning To hear your footsteps Trying to locate them In the heartbeats within Where are you? *** Here I Am I am the moon that you wistfully watch I am the stars that you … Continue reading Here I Am

every lifetime preserved

i feel your breath in my words a fragrance lingers long after I have written may I write about you in every lifetime preserved to a potential perfection