at the end of light

where light ends...


time is nothing but rhythm gravity is nothing but irresistibility distance is nothing but illusion light is only fragments, look closer breath is nothing but life life is nothing but energy energy is matter energy is space space is but nothing nothing is darkness darkness is darkness was darkness shall remain *** this was written … Continue reading simplify

A Conversation with a Poet

I had shared my poem Unnoticed on Twitter. Only a poet could respond with such precise but eloquent thoughts that left me wordless. Here is a conversation between @SonyaKassam and @IssaShivji light is light as always bright darkness she eludes illusion she deludes passion she lures higher she soars envy she abhors love she adores light is feeble, … Continue reading A Conversation with a Poet


light remains without weight and until light is defied its presence is unnoticed do you see light? no! you only see the effect of light on what obstructs light oh, how powerful is this light that has no significance on its own (like a religion without followers) but wait! light is fast, isn't it?... and with … Continue reading Unnoticed

Moon Light

I captured the full moon on Friday night with lights and then when we had a power outage

dark side of nothing

still is for always as darkness is, forever be still in the midst of vibration recognise the dark side of nothing touch that part within, unstained by memory and watch, even god shall become your slave *** "that part within" is the Chitta Here is a brilliant explanation about Chitta by Sadhguru

Concepts of Shiva

The word Shiva means that "which is not", nothing or darkness. Darkness is not related to a negative idea or even confined to the mere absence of light but it is in fact the very basis of existence. The only thing that always is, is darkness. It seems that over time I have managed to randomly write … Continue reading Concepts of Shiva

in the dead of night

Such a beautiful breeze in the deep darkness in the dead of night God's sweet breath Soft exhalations as He sleeps satisfied in knowing that  I have the ability to take care of myself

ever met you

strength never felt strong night never saw darkness love never tasted sweetness words never spoke the truth before i had ever met you

dark forever

dark forever remains a slave it has no existence of its own except in the absence of light but  then, light burns out dark is infinite