one with the earth

Inspiration: a powerful couplet by Kabir

but wait

about Rumi, water, fire and death.

of feathers and petals

Heaven lies at the feet of your mother

like to glide

freedom is just a flight away

how will you die?

tomb rave poetry death life

about dying, and living

A Year Passes …

dealing with grief, a year on

Legacy of a Gentle Man

a dedication to the silent power of a gentle man

not incarnate

sparkle, not burn float, not fall liberate, not incarnate

the butterfly smiles

This poem is dedicated to my younger sister Citele. The world has lost a warm, loving soul who was still full of life. May she rest in ease and we shall always look out for her smile. you do not die in death She loved pink and yellow, thus the balloons and the reference to … Continue reading the butterfly smiles


every breath we take quickens the way to our end damned if you do damned if you don’t