moments of shade

Bougainvillea tree shading a cat on a narrow lane

Kabira Says | Pawetry

but wait

about Rumi, water, fire and death.

i never knew

flowers look like stars in night sky

looking back, i never knew...

at the edge

does god ever answer

across the pause

who is foolish enough to fight destiny?

Sequence – #12 Life, your own Creation

poetry by sonya kassam life your own creation

Life, your own creation


A happy accident - closer to home

The Sun Shifts

the sun shifts, ever so subtle only a shadow shall recognise .... and destiny and destiny is mischievous embrace the change befriend your destiny ***   The sun has entered a new phase, the arrival of spring, abundance of harvest, new beginnings. May your ego be as insignificant as a tiny sesame seed and may … Continue reading The Sun Shifts

Choosing to Live

All I seek is freedom from choosing To live with options is deceptive Are decisions really ours Or is it destiny in disguise *** Image: Pixabay

written in the stars

what was once written in the stars was re-written down on earth by determination free will and a tinge of luck