i need to write

though you do not understand i need to write though you do not reply i need to write though you do not read i still need to write and when all the words run out and all my dreams become real and all of time freezes into now what then shall become of this writer?

Serving Time

Inspired by the quote: Space we can recover, time never ~ Napoleon Bonaparte Space is infinite While every moment time ends Space devours time Or else space dreams up time Only in the span of now Is time ever free of space Give time space And time shall serve you


Sharing this painting by my daughter Alya Kassam. She also writes just as beautifully.

The Lost Prayer

and my prayer was lost within the scent of the jasmine hidden in the swirling of dust a droplet floating on the cloud through the exhale of my sigh i question if my prayer was unsent or was it unheard certainly unfulfilled prayer after prayer lost lost on the lips of another lost like early … Continue reading The Lost Prayer

search for reality

i did search for reality but lost sight of my dreams where dust mingles with ash unspoken words shall be heard the dreamer lives on

Celebrating Courage

It is true Dreams are not for the weak You need courage to imagine Persistence to hope Self-respect to keep walking  Dreams are fragile *** Today I have the pleasure to celebrate courage. The courage of my dear friend Kanwal who has shown a whole lot of us how to tackle life when it deals us an … Continue reading Celebrating Courage

Sleep’s Courage

Do you exist In your sleep Or do you blend  Into your dreams Perhaps you meet Those you are afraid to reach And you speak words Held just beneath your tongue What of your thoughts That you would never dare And that is the allure Of sleep's courage *** recognise the unparalleled importance of a good night's … Continue reading Sleep’s Courage

Suspended Dreams

realities with the ability to fly are called suspended dreams and when they are untethered skies shall be lit by magical mirages

An Effortless Poem

aren’t we all simply~ sleeping for dreaming~ for waking for living~ for moment for lifetimes~ forever dying? We all certainly are forever dying Many die well before death Few do not die even in death We don’t always dream when we are sleeping Just as we do not always live when we are awake…. “A … Continue reading An Effortless Poem

Two Stories

every side has two stories every story has two endings every ending has two purposes every purpose will find two answers every answer has two questions every question leads to two conspiracies every conspiracy targets two victims every victim creates two oppressors every oppressor deserves to die twice every death is traveled on two paths … Continue reading Two Stories