one with the earth

Inspiration: a powerful couplet by Kabir

sides of the universe

and when a young cloud got lost from its flock succumbed to the fate of gravity and the sun tried so hard to catch it but sadly its light was without weight though it presented a majestic view for the bleary eyed onlooker awed at the sight, sleep forsaken too late for the cloudling fallen … Continue reading sides of the universe

where light divides

From the International Space Station here is the India-Pakistan border at night. This photograph shows one of the few places on Earth where an international boundary can be seen at night. The winding border between Pakistan and India is lit by security lights that have a distinct orange tone. Source perhaps we hid behind borders because we are … Continue reading where light divides

today, for always

what day is it? it's today it's only today everyday is today even the mighty earth rotates in honour of today it is always today whatever vows you fulfill you can only do so today however intensely you love it can be if you must forgive, even forget yes, today! celebrate, be mesmerised by today … Continue reading today, for always

Big Ideas, Little Country

I recently wrote in my poem Against the Moon: you do not need to be in a position of power to influence the ways of the world  Last night I came across an excellent and important message which I would like to share. Take a few minutes to watch:   It seems like we, our leaders have been … Continue reading Big Ideas, Little Country

written in the stars

what was once written in the stars was re-written down on earth by determination free will and a tinge of luck

going off on a tangent

you were the tangent to the circle of my life why did you not let me fly off with you? left me drifting within meaningless revolutions rotating endlessly on a crippled axis where the winter of imagination is permanent seeds of concepts wither away unsprouted and the pages of my book... ...blank *** if my source of inspiration ever … Continue reading going off on a tangent

a mound of earth

i am simply a speck of dust but observe for a minute i am made with patterns symmetry of body regularity of breath a doodled mind a distinct design in the architecture of creation evolving with erratic errors through which i drift towards the peaks of my patterns vales turn into victories a composition of creation i am … Continue reading a mound of earth

Tempt Me

If she had declared "Tempt me not, Serpent!" Would we have destroyed paradise The way we are depleting earth?

feel the earth

if you could feel the earth rotate would you be less arrogant would you be reminded that you are indeed a recipient of her hospitality that truly there is nowhere to go planets are distant cousins looking after their own the burning stars are cold none to welcome you the milky way is far from … Continue reading feel the earth