Sequence – #6 No Comparison

Poetry by Sonya Kassam No Comparison

No comparison

broken breaths

finding forever

hearing silence, a question and finding forever

Ancient Connections

(for the teachers who found me some came, taught, left others still grace my life) ~Ancient Connections~ with a voice that melts lyrics like warm honey reminds of the gentle fragrance of incense what higher form of devotion than the offering of eternal music that echoes in every heart unseen are ancient connections unbroken though … Continue reading Ancient Connections


goodbye after goodbye we overlooked but it was the non-intentional goodbye that eventually deleted our forever *** no! no lives were at stake just a simple matter of heartbreak unsaid remained the goodbyes barely a tear in my eyes *** some relationships have no name but they hurt just the same   Photo credit  

the butterfly smiles

This poem is dedicated to my younger sister Citele. The world has lost a warm, loving soul who was still full of life. May she rest in ease and we shall always look out for her smile. you do not die in death She loved pink and yellow, thus the balloons and the reference to … Continue reading the butterfly smiles


falling... falling... into a bottomless pit but wait! a bottomless pit is the best type of pit to fall into falling... falling... *** inspired by Sadhguru

from energy to eternity

creatures of energy we are energy is felt through awareness awareness has the shortest time span moments, elusive time has its own intelligence eternity just waits

Die Each Day

We shall all be dead, we know that don’t we? And yet we resist, we fear. I fear to die, yes. I have no idea what is beyond my death. And perhaps…actually for sure and to be absolutely honest, I don’t really want to know what lies beyond. So many answers, if you ask around … Continue reading Die Each Day

A Slave Forever

A slave forever Remains chained to her master For what is the value of light If she cannot cast a shadow?