from innocent to intelligent

through dangers, toils and snares i have already come

half believer

flute and music notes

accept my half belief, or not

Walk with me

walk with me till the end

Father Nature

Earlier this year my younger sister suggested that I write a poem for our father's 80th birthday. It got me thinking about how his personal values, principles and teachings are so much in synch with nature. So, here is Father Nature humility of grass overlooked and overtrodden yet springs back each time, unharmed shade of … Continue reading Father Nature

Broken Rhythm

Broken rhythm From obstructed echoes A distorted message received Unknowingly, with blind faith I swore to uphold it as the truth

melting point of music

music is the melting point at which you cannot distinguish religions, faiths, beliefs or non-belief Equilibrium! The first 2 1/2 minutes of this video will show you what I have said in verse Raag Ahir Bhairav is a devotional raag My music teacher shared this video with us to show how seamlessly we can flow between different sounds of … Continue reading melting point of music

the compass of God

the compass of God always points inwards unwavering like the north star an infinite intimate cosmos 13th Rajab ~ the birth date of Imam Ali

a convenient pretext

where love once lived in the heart of man religion replaces it god's name now a convenient pretext humanity's loss

echoes and reflections

ask yourselves this... from where do negative echoes reflect off? therein lies your problem therein too lies your solution stop chasing the echo stop admiring the reflection when prayers become echoes from reflections of the idols when words from scriptures reveal less than they conceal then i believe in me  

Walking With Intention Day 6 by Sonya Kassam

A Letter From God This is a guest post I have written for Sreejit's Walking With Intention challenge. Please do check it out as well as other wonderful contributors' posts.