mistake my silence

continued and concluded

turn around

if i turn around, what will i not see?

so far, so good

birds flying sunset

time heals, perhaps

today, for always

what day is it? it's today it's only today everyday is today even the mighty earth rotates in honour of today it is always today whatever vows you fulfill you can only do so today however intensely you love it can be felt...today if you must forgive, even forget yes, today! celebrate, be mesmerised by today … Continue reading today, for always

building a bridge

building a bridge is futile if you haven't taken pains to calm the troubled water only one wave, one day . . . dismantled!

new experiences

new experiences erase memories words may be reworded steps retraced but deeds are imprinted forever ... reluctant forgiveness

chronic regrets

if memories weren't chronic regrets would be of little concern who would you even forgive when all has been forgotten

hard to hear

always hard to hear is the word "sorry" how arduous to speak it yet so powerful that it can even turn back time


years of tears moments of resentment cannot invade a space long disregarded by time... not when you have moved on years of fear moments of despair space within breaks the rhythm  but the time flows and it flows to another victim who is ignorant of time's laws precise though subtle conqueress of memories womb of hope … Continue reading time

war, for peace

Yesterday's prompt was War, for Peace. Here is my contribution: Seems like it's easier to go to war, for peace requires restraint, forgiveness, forgetting and moving on But which will make you happier? Which reminded me of what my younger daughter had declared (at age 7): Peace smells like ice cream And here is the … Continue reading war, for peace