i am, you are

about a cosmic relationship


a challenge, about space and time

Sequence – #6 No Comparison

Poetry by Sonya Kassam No Comparison

No comparison

Sequence – #2 Intention to Infinity

Poetry by Sonya Kassam Intention to Infinity

Intention , to Infinity

reflections within reflections

when we are still...

nothing but everything

it is not nothing but everything that is empty while everything is momentary nothing is imperishable *** It has been too long since I updated my blog. As mentioned in my previous post The Sun Shifts, life took over me, but it is only momentary. I came across this poem I had written a year … Continue reading nothing but everything

Serving Time

Inspired by the quote: Space we can recover, time never ~ Napoleon Bonaparte Space is infinite While every moment time ends Space devours time Or else space dreams up time Only in the span of now Is time ever free of space Give time space And time shall serve you

Time’s Legacy

the emptier the moment the heavier it seems time's legacy pertinent past to present infinity's inheritance This clock was made by young children Photo credit: Alya Kassam

end of forever

... and then forever shall surely end

certitude, for sure

certitude for sure hardens society (open up to possibilities, perceptions) knowledge consciously clutters minds (ponder over the depth of Alif*) wisdom clears your heart with poise (submerge into the clarity of silence) observation subtly soothes the soul (kindle your awareness from within) certitude, for sure restrains the promise of infinity *** * Alif is the first letter of … Continue reading certitude, for sure