gentle garlands

What purpose does time serve, but to remind us that we have lived


liMitations are mErely poTentials hiDing behind heSitations  

Just One Word

For the past few days I had been struggling to find the words to express what we are going through as a nation. In less than 3 months we have had elections, nullified them, another election, boycott of elections, police brutality, protests, demonstrations, a nation divided, economic slow down and uncertainties. It was difficult to … Continue reading Just One Word

Listen to me

I have a story to tell Would you lend me your heart? I have a poem to recite Would you lend me your imagination? I have a song to sing Would you lend me the space slightly above your skin?

My First Poem

The Listener Break time School playground Peals of laughter, screams Running, jumping Somersaults in the sandpit She lingered around the play area Dreamy smile on her cherubic face Gently kissed by short curls A longing in her eyes Hesitant desire in her heart Held back By blurred emotions Defied By physical impairment Imperceptible Yet undeniable … Continue reading My First Poem

An Ordinary Nothing

It was just an ordinary nothing When nature conspired with God And after many months of preparation A sudden haze of mauve bells bloomed Unimaginable on a once unremarkable tree Canopy for the weary, Delight for observers from highrises And all the people noticed, they were jovial ... for a while  With flowers that rain upon the people Like … Continue reading An Ordinary Nothing

today, for always

what day is it? it's today it's only today everyday is today even the mighty earth rotates in honour of today it is always today whatever vows you fulfill you can only do so today however intensely you love it can be if you must forgive, even forget yes, today! celebrate, be mesmerised by today … Continue reading today, for always


You strive to get to the other side of doors But what if.... What if you are on the other side ? *** All these photos were taken! Due to the diversity, you may be thinking I collected them over a period of time. But no, I noticed all these doors in one place, took … Continue reading Doors

in the dead of night

Such a beautiful breeze in the deep darkness in the dead of night God's sweet breath Soft exhalations as He sleeps satisfied in knowing that  I have the ability to take care of myself

a touch of perspective

even when everything is fact a touch of perspective creates a revolution in the mind that is open and willing to shift