hard to ignore

an unintended royal post

Imprisoned Descendants

and, who is truly free?

I Call Ali, I Seek Ali

A magical evening of Sufi devotional music


A happy accident - closer to home

almost forgotten

The first rain and a cat's longing

deceptive is the chill

Nairobi Rain

Memories of Nairobi Rain

Patterns of Nature

nature permitted us a visit to her forestnot neatly manicured as were the tea farmsbut a lively welcome, seemingly chaoticthough if you observed enough you wouldappreciate nature’s patterns, where a tree arcs into a rainbowoffering shade from the scorched skygently we tread over dried up leavesscrambling, sliding, scrabblingas though we never learnt to walkyet majestic … Continue reading Patterns of Nature

Better the World

Our responsibility is to improve the world that was handed to us by the previous generation. What skills, talents or interests do we have that can leave some impact while we walk this life? Could you take on the environment in your own little way? Address poverty or make strides in technology? Raise the level … Continue reading Better the World

and none left untouched

no ocean that separates your land from mine no mountains mark our borders the same wind blows to my side the same shadow casts on your side time after time we repeat the same old... though we speak in many tongues *** Any guesses as to what I am speaking about here? It is in … Continue reading and none left untouched

Just One Word

For the past few days I had been struggling to find the words to express what we are going through as a nation. In less than 3 months we have had elections, nullified them, another election, boycott of elections, police brutality, protests, demonstrations, a nation divided, economic slow down and uncertainties. It was difficult to … Continue reading Just One Word