at the end of light

where light ends...

see the light

Adiyogi-Sadhguru-Isha Foundation

can we see light?

The Midst of Celebration

broken breaths


time is nothing but rhythm gravity is nothing but irresistibility distance is nothing but illusion light is only fragments, look closer breath is nothing but life life is nothing but energy energy is matter energy is space space is but nothing nothing is darkness darkness is darkness was darkness shall remain *** this was written … Continue reading simplify

A Conversation with a Poet

I had shared my poem Unnoticed on Twitter. Only a poet could respond with such precise but eloquent thoughts that left me wordless. Here is a conversation between @SonyaKassam and @IssaShivji light is light as always bright darkness she eludes illusion she deludes passion she lures higher she soars envy she abhors love she adores light is feeble, … Continue reading A Conversation with a Poet


light remains without weight and until light is defied its presence is unnoticed do you see light? no! you only see the effect of light on what obstructs light oh, how powerful is this light that has no significance on its own (like a religion without followers) but wait! light is fast, isn't it?... and with … Continue reading Unnoticed

The Worth of a Conversation

A fascinating conversation on Twitter between myself and @coldtusker (CT). Such interactions enhance the meaning and perspective of my words, so thanks for your questions CT! Let us then face each other You enhance me For what is the worth of a star Without her planets and moons? Plenty, no? what is the worth of a hero without … Continue reading The Worth of a Conversation

Clouds, a Collision

During the first week of November 2016, I received as a gift* an opportunity to attend the Inner Engineering program by the Isha Foundation. Though I was (and am) an avid listener of Sadhguru's talks (many of you will be familiar with my poems inspired by Sadhguru), admittedly I went not expecting much. Curiosity and a chance to … Continue reading Clouds, a Collision

Moon Light

I captured the full moon on Friday night with lights and then when we had a power outage