be found

about following the lost

Sequence – #18 Found

Poetry by Sonya Kassam Found


the lost art

reviving the lost art of story telling


and what i found was that i was lost  Image Credit

all who wander

not all who wander are lost not all who are lost want to be found

The Lost Prayer

and my prayer was lost within the scent of the jasmine hidden in the swirling of dust a droplet floating on the cloud through the exhale of my sigh i question if my prayer was unsent or was it unheard certainly unfulfilled prayer after prayer lost lost on the lips of another lost like early … Continue reading The Lost Prayer

trapped in paradise

trapped in paradise eternal solitary confinement where are those promised houris or... was something lost in translation?

follow me

did you follow me again? i was not lost i just didn't want to be found

golden leaves

her anklet shimmering and golden leaves behind a jingle with every other footstep as she searches in vain for the missing one this is my second post for the day, since I had been on a short holiday :)

Walking Among the Lost

Walking among the lost Years lose time Words mean less Paths interconnect randomly A dwindling mind Gathers no light