the evening before

the bluest of moons

The Sun’s Envy

(The morning of the Lunar Eclipse, the sun was out after several dull days of bitter cold in Nairobi) the sun is out in full blaze perhaps a touch concerned about the attention showered for the blushing moon tonight? do what you will at your time you must set the queen shall surely rule adorned … Continue reading The Sun’s Envy

The Undisputed Queen

The full moon earlier this month was just amazing. At my meditation time, it was positioned in the small space between our two perfect! Here are my thoughts and some photos of that beautiful night. Such a gorgeous Full Moon tonight Although I see the clouds have stolen her thunder Hmmm... The clouds have … Continue reading The Undisputed Queen

A Conversation with a Poet

I had shared my poem Unnoticed on Twitter. Only a poet could respond with such precise but eloquent thoughts that left me wordless. Here is a conversation between @SonyaKassam and @IssaShivji light is light as always bright darkness she eludes illusion she deludes passion she lures higher she soars envy she abhors love she adores light is feeble, … Continue reading A Conversation with a Poet

The Worth of a Conversation

A fascinating conversation on Twitter between myself and @coldtusker (CT). Such interactions enhance the meaning and perspective of my words, so thanks for your questions CT! Let us then face each other You enhance me For what is the worth of a star Without her planets and moons? Plenty, no? what is the worth of a hero without … Continue reading The Worth of a Conversation

Moon Light

I captured the full moon on Friday night with lights and then when we had a power outage

Here I Am

Where Are You? Night after night I watch the moon set Stars going to rest My eyes are burning My ears are yearning To hear your footsteps Trying to locate them In the heartbeats within Where are you? *** Here I Am I am the moon that you wistfully watch I am the stars that you … Continue reading Here I Am

sides of the universe

and when a young cloud got lost from its flock succumbed to the fate of gravity and the sun tried so hard to catch it but sadly its light was without weight though it presented a majestic view for the bleary eyed onlooker awed at the sight, sleep forsaken too late for the cloudling fallen … Continue reading sides of the universe

something old, something new

(something old, something new) She woke from the East, the cradle of ancient wisdom Caught a glimpse of new born stars along the way (something borrowed, something blue) Her gown radiant with the borrowed light Blue were the lovers, now where could they hide? *** This evening's full moon was exquisite in a clear sky, with a … Continue reading something old, something new

Eid Mubarak

dare not blink lest I miss the most flirtatious of all crescents reflecting silver strands on my hennaed palms