
brazen moments of hope

moments of shade

Bougainvillea tree shading a cat on a narrow lane

Kabira Says | Pawetry

and, wait…

[sometimes you just got to wait it out]

we shall emerge…

dove painting flower

when you are forced to pause and ponder

Sequence – #9 Circle of Life

Poetry by Sonya Kassam Circle of Life

Circle of Life

Sequence – #1 Little Things

Poetry by Sonya Kassam Little Things

Little Things, the Significance

Rumours from Twilight

What secrets does the night hold? What is it that lies beyond light?

Father Nature

Earlier this year my younger sister suggested that I write a poem for our father's 80th birthday. It got me thinking about how his personal values, principles and teachings are so much in synch with nature. So, here is Father Nature humility of grass overlooked and overtrodden yet springs back each time, unharmed shade of … Continue reading Father Nature

Do You Remember?

This post is about the poetry group I have recently joined. We are experimenting with different ways of creating poetry, in particular local content. This week's assignment was a Documentary Poem where we have to use other people's words and create our own poem. Find 2 sources and take 8-10 words/phrases/sentences from both and create … Continue reading Do You Remember?


every silver lining .... A photo I took several years ago. Complete the caption if you wish :)