Perpetual Transitions

snakes and ladders board game

a prayer about the game of life

see the unseen

the concept of perspectives

Sequence – #1 Little Things

Poetry by Sonya Kassam Little Things

Little Things, the Significance

I set out to change the world

I set out to change the world But instead, the world changed me And it was only from this change That I realised what it is To even want to change the world Change is her own mistress You cannot force her Nor can you prevent her, When the time is right Oh! to be … Continue reading I set out to change the world

The Listener

The Listener Break time School playground Peals of laughter, screams Running, jumping Somersaults in the sandpit She lingered around the play area Dreamy smile on her cherubic face Gently kissed by short curls A longing in her eyes Hesitant desire in her heart Held back By blurred emotions Defied By physical impairment Imperceptible Yet undeniable … Continue reading The Listener