Legacy of a Gentle Man

a dedication to the silent power of a gentle man

the end of waiting

you said "wait", and so i did...

Father Nature

Earlier this year my younger sister suggested that I write a poem for our father's 80th birthday. It got me thinking about how his personal values, principles and teachings are so much in synch with nature. So, here is Father Nature humility of grass overlooked and overtrodden yet springs back each time, unharmed shade of … Continue reading Father Nature

Pratiksha – The Wait

The Wait

Clouds, a Collision

During the first week of November 2016, I received as a gift* an opportunity to attend the Inner Engineering program by the Isha Foundation. Though I was (and am) an avid listener of Sadhguru's talks (many of you will be familiar with my poems inspired by Sadhguru), admittedly I went not expecting much. Curiosity and a chance to … Continue reading Clouds, a Collision

from energy to eternity

creatures of energy we are energy is felt through awareness awareness has the shortest time span moments, elusive time has its own intelligence eternity just waits

The Lady Of Light

Though we identify light as revealing The Divine's noor* acts as a veil, to protect her Adorned by surahs**, expressions of the revelation Only she could counter humiliation with even more dignity The confluence for defined and unperceived truths Her presence was a mere tip of a mystical iceberg A mother, an exceptional lineage Would I be … Continue reading The Lady Of Light

just one request

not an ardent advocate of prayer for the purpose of asking, as i bear flimsy conviction in discerning my best interests, except that one consistent request for a long time now, seems  like all i ever wanted was that one request i explained so very gently to ensure He comprehends at times i demanded like it was … Continue reading just one request

destiny leads you…

covering yourself to appear unseen, but when the stars reflect off the blackness of your veil how can he resist perceiving you? softest of whispers may be unheard, though echoes chime through separations for how long will your thoughts remain suppressed, when two can share one dream? the same dream... run if you like, but how … Continue reading destiny leads you…

judgement day

~ even god waits until judgement day ~