Poet Prince

Poetry by a young prince, age 7

Shaping the World

International Women's Day

Of Attachment and Detachment

Attachment may happen in the blink of an eye Detachment may take a lifetime, or several I don't have a forever to my name Alone I arrived, alone allow me to depart I protest against the burden of you And if need be, I shall sacrifice all my words As compensation for my freedom And … Continue reading Of Attachment and Detachment


every breath we take quickens the way to our end damned if you do damned if you don’t

A Conversation with a Poet

I had shared my poem Unnoticed on Twitter. Only a poet could respond with such precise but eloquent thoughts that left me wordless. Here is a conversation between @SonyaKassam and @IssaShivji light is light as always bright darkness she eludes illusion she deludes passion she lures higher she soars envy she abhors love she adores light is feeble, … Continue reading A Conversation with a Poet

only meaning

and those who wrote verse were thought to be insane by those who seek only meaning from words  

music is…

music is circles of sound rhythm of light thoughts of a poet stitched together in a tapestry of waves

Die Each Day

We shall all be dead, we know that don’t we? And yet we resist, we fear. I fear to die, yes. I have no idea what is beyond my death. And perhaps…actually for sure and to be absolutely honest, I don’t really want to know what lies beyond. So many answers, if you ask around … Continue reading Die Each Day

An interaction about thoughts and lies

The other evening, I had a lovely poetic interaction on Twitter with Vlad. It was worth saving so here goes, beginning with my poem Seeds of Wisdom. seeds of wisdom were planted by elders but we divided the land each clan neglected to water the seeds now we mourn weeds of disunity Your mind is … Continue reading An interaction about thoughts and lies

a wordless world

in a wordless world a poet is prince just as the painter rules over a drab domain or an empathetic soul in the cruel cosmos but imagine for a moment if this world had no words none to describe the beauty nor to poison our minds if prayers were through deeds if leaders governed with … Continue reading a wordless world