Shaping the World

International Women's Day

Silent Words

Silent words carry potent curses Unheard but spoken Unconstrained by language Unreleased anger Incomplete goodbyes

Finite, a Circle

Revering the beads As we whisper, counting  Sacred names, the greatest of words Immersed in each rotation (Or dreaming through it) We forget that real power Lies in the thread That holds the beads together Allows them to flow over our fingers Just a fragile thread Finite, a circle of infiniteness

against the moon

as though the tide was against the moon's pull she stood her ground in defiance to those who said she never could even gravity bowed before her allowed her to fly, just a little and how, she wondered, when the moon has little of its own how can it exert such a force  that whole oceans succumb? ** … Continue reading against the moon

ignored voices

it is only collectively that ignored voices gather momentum echoes from the past drumbeaters of the future People Power

People Power

Not in their numbers, nor in their riches Not even in their positions But only in persistence do people find their power *** our brave heroes at Karbala stood up for justice and against oppression they were few in number, had little material wealth and were not leaders Speak up! Persistently!

wise monkeys

amidst muted colors we saw no evil blaring sound but we heard no evil with ambiguous words no evil we spoke heads buried in the sand wise monkeys we are

insecure leaders

nothing quite as lethal nothing as contaminating as leaders who are insecure about their leadership placed in a position of power they spew out fear as an exaggerated means of control like a depraved shepherd promising protection whilst leading the herd to the slaughterhouse behind luscious grass well fed, tender meat reclaim your identity secure … Continue reading insecure leaders

a touch of doubt

always place a touch of doubt hiding behind faith if there is an answer for everything from where shall questions come? know that it is quite in order to know less, or even to know nothing rather than know too much knowledge is a power with immense responsibility which is perhaps why it is said … Continue reading a touch of doubt

The Poetry of Laughter

Whatever you are doing...STOP! Right now! Take a 10 minute break and watch this video to the end. Why? you ask. Because you need to, I say :) does laughter require a language and would a smile need subtitles? uncomplicate your understanding with prideless power spread the contagious clarity yes... it is that easy … Continue reading The Poetry of Laughter