Perpetual Transitions

snakes and ladders board game

a prayer about the game of life

one moment

about a moment, and a prayer

don’t insist

wish, take a chance


Here is a thoughtful interaction between myself and @DeDarkPassenger on Twitter. It is all about seeking, and I for one learnt a lot from it. He who seeks, finds... He who seeks Shall be found Found by whom? Himself.... ? Either it is too deep or it is quite complicated. (I think the answers lie within ourselves) … Continue reading seek…

The Padre’s Shroud

This is a follow up to my mythical figure assignment The Mystic of Mackinnon Road and here I had to be an object in the myth. The Padre’s Shroud beside my bold silk of silver finery they kneel, murmur, plead, chant bargaining with elaborate promises hope drenched whispers, ituri filters through to your kaburi do you … Continue reading The Padre’s Shroud

i do not write

i do not write i imagine on paper i do not think my mind relates tales i do not dream my existence is maya i do not share i speak to myself you happen to overhear i do not write you do not read you see... you see only what you want to see i … Continue reading i do not write

A Letter from God

Dear Traveler, Do you wonder where you are headed, where you will end up? I sense you are afraid that you don’t know your purpose and worse, that you feel you may not even have any. Why your destination does not seem obvious when those around you seem to have it all figured out? Or … Continue reading A Letter from God

The Lost Prayer

and my prayer was lost within the scent of the jasmine hidden in the swirling of dust a droplet floating on the cloud through the exhale of my sigh i question if my prayer was unsent or was it unheard certainly unfulfilled prayer after prayer lost lost on the lips of another lost like early … Continue reading The Lost Prayer

Finite, a Circle

Revering the beads As we whisper, counting  Sacred names, the greatest of words Immersed in each rotation (Or dreaming through it) We forget that real power Lies in the thread That holds the beads together Allows them to flow over our fingers Just a fragile thread Finite, a circle of infiniteness

the Unsaid

the unsaid prayer in the whisper of dawn weighs you down like the unforgiven sin that suffocates your heart and the unmeant praise to benefit your cause all those unkept promises . . . pave your way to hell till you hear that unplayed music touched by the unfelt sadness each uncried tear finally pours … Continue reading the Unsaid