Perpetual Transitions

snakes and ladders board game

a prayer about the game of life

what makes me

that's what makes me, me

Rumours from Twilight

What secrets does the night hold? What is it that lies beyond light?

reflections within reflections

when we are still...

lies remain true

broken every promise only your lies remain true mirror's stained reflections dyed a crimson hue revenge bleeds slowly drip by drip.. ** I used to write a lot of micropoetry on Twitter for various prompts. Interesting to discover them after so long. I even forget what I was imagining when I wrote some of them.

The Worth of a Conversation

A fascinating conversation on Twitter between myself and @coldtusker (CT). Such interactions enhance the meaning and perspective of my words, so thanks for your questions CT! Let us then face each other You enhance me For what is the worth of a star Without her planets and moons? Plenty, no? what is the worth of a hero without … Continue reading The Worth of a Conversation

echoes and reflections

ask yourselves this... from where do negative echoes reflect off? therein lies your problem therein too lies your solution stop chasing the echo stop admiring the reflection when prayers become echoes from reflections of the idols when words from scriptures reveal less than they conceal then i believe in me