and none left untouched

no ocean that separates your land from mine no mountains mark our borders the same wind blows to my side the same shadow casts on your side time after time we repeat the same old... though we speak in many tongues *** Any guesses as to what I am speaking about here? It is in … Continue reading and none left untouched


light remains without weight and until light is defied its presence is unnoticed do you see light? no! you only see the effect of light on what obstructs light oh, how powerful is this light that has no significance on its own (like a religion without followers) but wait! light is fast, isn't it?... and with … Continue reading Unnoticed

A Letter from God

Dear Traveler, Do you wonder where you are headed, where you will end up? I sense you are afraid that you don’t know your purpose and worse, that you feel you may not even have any. Why your destination does not seem obvious when those around you seem to have it all figured out? Or … Continue reading A Letter from God

of knowns and unknowns

Many of my poems have been created on or inspired by Twitter. Sometimes I receive brilliant replies or questions, and here is one such interaction between @mzungundege and myself. Very thought-provoking, don't you think? Evidence of the unknown Is greater than that of the known If only you would stop your search In the temple … Continue reading of knowns and unknowns

Sound I was mesmerized when I heard this arrangement and just had to share Listen to our music teacher Isaac, so beautiful, so talented! *** How different really are we from each other? I believe if there is one thing that will unite us, it is Sound

a voice from the past

revelations and misinterpretations

melting point of music

music is the melting point at which you cannot distinguish religions, faiths, beliefs or non-belief Equilibrium! The first 2 1/2 minutes of this video will show you what I have said in verse Raag Ahir Bhairav is a devotional raag My music teacher shared this video with us to show how seamlessly we can flow between different sounds of … Continue reading melting point of music

a convenient pretext

where love once lived in the heart of man religion replaces it god's name now a convenient pretext humanity's loss

and one more request

a small request proceed gently as you enter God's house you don't want to wake Him do you?

no one can deny

though you may be one no one can deny you have many names because you are everywhere no one can deny there is more than one path to you