attitude of gratitude

gratitude is wine for the soul

wounds of love

broken glass

how do you fill up wounds of love?

Ancient Connections

(for the teachers who found me some came, taught, left others still grace my life) ~Ancient Connections~ with a voice that melts lyrics like warm honey reminds of the gentle fragrance of incense what higher form of devotion than the offering of eternal music that echoes in every heart unseen are ancient connections unbroken though … Continue reading Ancient Connections

embedded in heart

as the pulse is embedded in heartbeats so the soul lies within drumbeats in the beginning was rhythm at the unheard sound

certitude, for sure

certitude for sure hardens society (open up to possibilities, perceptions) knowledge consciously clutters minds (ponder over the depth of Alif*) wisdom clears your heart with poise (submerge into the clarity of silence) observation subtly soothes the soul (kindle your awareness from within) certitude, for sure restrains the promise of infinity *** * Alif is the first letter of … Continue reading certitude, for sure

of survival, possessions and purpose

a soul is stained, muted by its instinct to survive chained to what you believe you are and to what you presume to possess which of your belongings will you take with you? indeed, what have you come with that you can ever give away? even as charity? seems to me that nothing can truly be owned, only transferred … Continue reading of survival, possessions and purpose

come walk with me

in between heaven and hell i am destined neither craving one nor fearing the other come walk my path of beauty free your heart to see unpray your prayers unforgive your sins discard these burdens idle weights on your soul come walk with me words without meaning predictable infatuations forever diffuses into nothing nothing remains forever … Continue reading come walk with me

strength of soul

the strength of soul lies in its curiosity the more a soul longs to explore the greater it shall evolve a feeble soul never inquires

Touch of Gold

Like the touch of gold That elevates the superficial value Yet renders an object useless Lives an empty soul Yet filled with words Intimately vague *** all that glitters...

what I am not

Rather than trying to find out who I am I must try to decipher what I am not What will be left That I am