Haqq, Haqq

the voice of Sufis, the voice of Qalandariyah

lies remain true

broken every promise only your lies remain true mirror's stained reflections dyed a crimson hue revenge bleeds slowly drip by drip.. ** I used to write a lot of micropoetry on Twitter for various prompts. Interesting to discover them after so long. I even forget what I was imagining when I wrote some of them.

shifted reality

however much they shifted reality it always faced the north star for you can never transform truth and deception is transitory

truths for sale

truths for sale in the market place to the highest bidder each truth tailor made to specific needs designed to deceive leadership truths guaranteed to convert accusations into victimisation religious truths riddled with repetetive rituals, and concealed between poetic scriptures romantic truths, ah our speciality the sweetest of truths, the simplest too tell them only … Continue reading truths for sale

Broken Rhythm

Broken rhythm From obstructed echoes A distorted message received Unknowingly, with blind faith I swore to uphold it as the truth

lie after lie

lie after lie we believe read between the lies question their answers your lies we believed ... for a while 

ever met you

strength never felt strong night never saw darkness love never tasted sweetness words never spoke the truth before i had ever met you

blurred expectations

'tis better to have blurred expectations than those blind to the truth perform always your best regardless of the fruit (some of my old poetry I came across)

Love Truths

For those in love Truths are merely sweetened lies For those who hate Lies are only bitter truths

An interaction about thoughts and lies

The other evening, I had a lovely poetic interaction on Twitter with Vlad. It was worth saving so here goes, beginning with my poem Seeds of Wisdom. seeds of wisdom were planted by elders but we divided the land each clan neglected to water the seeds now we mourn weeds of disunity Your mind is … Continue reading An interaction about thoughts and lies