i need to write

though you do not understand i need to write though you do not reply i need to write though you do not read i still need to write and when all the words run out and all my dreams become real and all of time freezes into now what then shall become of this writer?

Just One Word

For the past few days I had been struggling to find the words to express what we are going through as a nation. In less than 3 months we have had elections, nullified them, another election, boycott of elections, police brutality, protests, demonstrations, a nation divided, economic slow down and uncertainties. It was difficult to … Continue reading Just One Word

the lost art

reviving the lost art of story telling

Of Attachment and Detachment

Attachment may happen in the blink of an eye Detachment may take a lifetime, or several I don't have a forever to my name Alone I arrived, alone allow me to depart I protest against the burden of you And if need be, I shall sacrifice all my words As compensation for my freedom And … Continue reading Of Attachment and Detachment

Intezaar – The Wait

and admirers whispered sweetest words but you never did yet another lifetime gone Painting by Shirish Pandit More art by Shirish Pandit: Pratiksha – The Wait a touch of crimson

as clear as night

the fragrance of poetry, at night

Second Glance

i would have never given him a second glance except that his words, his words chipped at my icy silence thawed my arrogance i would have never given him a second glance except that his words, his words laden with praise urged me to give another chance i would have never given him a second … Continue reading Second Glance

A World of Words

He created all from vibration We turned it into a world of words With plenty of sound But disturbed impact Confusion, noise Fluctuation, restlessness Wavering between directions Purity of vibration, misplaced *** Are you able to observe something/someone without lending your words or even thoughts, just experiencing it/them? I believe if we all observed without the … Continue reading A World of Words

loved my silence

it was not me you loved but my words and when i stayed quiet i found you loved my silence even more

only meaning

and those who wrote verse were thought to be insane by those who seek only meaning from words