Perpetual Transitions

snakes and ladders board game

a prayer about the game of life

road to nowhere

have i lost it all? it's alright

i write, but why?

Diary flowers petals coffee

i write, but why?


A happy accident - closer to home


what meaning did you derive from what i had written?


liMitations are mErely poTentials hiDing behind heSitations  

stop and stare

do i dare, stop and stare as life moves by, should i sigh should i dream that i am living or else do i live as though i am dreaming *** It has been long since I wrote a poem Thanks to From Whispers To Roars  for the inspiration

the end of waiting

you said "wait", and so i did...

Father Nature

Earlier this year my younger sister suggested that I write a poem for our father's 80th birthday. It got me thinking about how his personal values, principles and teachings are so much in synch with nature. So, here is Father Nature humility of grass overlooked and overtrodden yet springs back each time, unharmed shade of … Continue reading Father Nature

my breath and i

to be in that space long disregarded by time untouched by memory spiralling in unimagination even god should not dare my breath and i or even not i *** I have completed over a year of my daily breathing/meditation practise. It has surprised me...pleasantly :) never imagined I could be disciplined enough. I gifted my … Continue reading my breath and i